Saturday, August 17, 2024

Chicago, Burlington And Quincy Box Cars 34649 and 35503

 From the to build cabinet I took two InterMountain Chicago, Burlington & Quincy box car kits: 41805-07 with car number 35649 that I changed to 34649  (prototype series 34600-34855) and  41805-08 numbered 35703 that I changed to 35503 (prototype series 35000-36999) during the build.  The numbers were among changes needed to match the prototype box cars of which 16,205 were built by the CB&Q starting in 1940 and ending in 1958.

The prototype Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q) box cars were built at their car shops in Havelock, Nebraska.  Initially the cars were classified XM-32 and later with sub-classes A to E.  The car dimensions, including a 10’ 6” inside height, did not change over the production years; however, various components as doors, roofs and ends did.   I chose to focus on the the XM-32A series 40 foot box cars produced from 1945 through 1948.  The XM-32A series cars were built with 10 panel sides and the 4/4 improved Dreadnaught (rolling pin style ribs) ends starting in 1945.  The top rib did not extend to the ends of the car as the other ribs.  Other features of these cars were an improved Murphy raised panel roof with steel Apex running boards, steel brake platform, sill tabs with not the normal sill tab profile and Youngstown doors.   Youngstown doors on car series 34600-34855, 1945 builds, were the Camel 5-6-5 type and on car series 35000-36999, 1947 builds, the modern Improved 5/6/6.  (The numbers refer to the flat areas between the ribs on door).  The cars rode on American Steel Foundries (ASF) trucks the CB&Q  identified as ASF #67 trucks.   The closet model truck being the Tahoe Double Truss truck.

Author photo of CB&Q 35000, Class XM-32A
 in Mainline Modeler article.
Original Jerry Hamsmith Collection.
(click or tap on this or any image to enlarge)

Author photo of  CB&Q 35000, Class XM-32A 
 in Mainline Modeler article.
Original Jerry Hamsmith Collection

An excellent series of three articles by Jerry Hamsmith on the CB&Q XM-32 and sub-classes appeared in the Mainline Modeler in 1993 and 1994.  Photos including color photos of various cars appear in the articles.  In addition to photos, there are production tables and a car diagram showing sides, ends, roof and underbody.  Color photos including CB&Q 33318 can be viewed in CB&Q Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment (Morning Sun Books, Inc., 1995) and a color photo of CB&Q 36196 can be viewed in 1950s Freight Car Color Guide, Volume 1 : Boxcars (Morning Sun Books, Inc., 2022)

My build started with the build of CB&Q box car with number 34649.   The build began with the car body assembly.   A plastic Red Caboose roof with accurate width raised panels was used rather then the InterMountain panel roof.  The roof was not glued until the car was weighted to 3.8 ounces with stick on car weights placed in the car interior.

Red Caboose Roof installed.

After removal of molded on brake component mounts, the underframe was glued to the car body with MEK.  If you use MEK be sure to provide yourself  good ventilation.  Kadee #262 coupler boxes with Kadee #148 couplers  inserted were installed with Fastenal 2-56 x 3/16” screws.  The area between the bolsters and coupler pockets was filled with Evergreen #274 I-Beam strip styrene to have complete frame.  Prior to installing trucks, the bolster square center plate had to be carved off to obtain proper coupler height and car height from rails.  Tahoe Model Works, TMW-107,  Double Truss AAR 50 trucks were installed with Fastenal 2-56 x 1/4” screws.

Underbody basic work.

Brake components install followed.  A brake cylinder and air reservoir, Tichy Train Group (Tichy) AB set #3013, and AB valve from kit were installed.  Brake mounting component brackets used were as follows:  air reservoir .010 strip styrene with MEK fasteners, AB valve, Cal Scale, set #190-283 and for the brake cylinder a resin Sunshine Models.  A train line, Tichy #1114, .020 phosphor bronze wire (PBW) was installed.  The holes for the train line were drilled with a 4 inch .034 piano wire sharpened at the tip.  Remember safety if using this type of made piano wire drill if chucked in a motor tool.   Upon startup in a motor tool you need to hold the drill so that it will bend into a whip and rotate at a speed that could cause severe injury.

Brake components installed on underbody.

Back to the car body to change the numbers.   On the car body side number, the number “5” was removed from car number with cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol and scratch brush.   A number “4” from a Champ Private Name Numbers set was used to add the 4.  On the ends, the number “5” came from Champ Decals Numbers NoX-1 set.

In car number "5" removed.

In car number "4" applied.

Car number change completed on ends.

After the number change I installed Kadee, #2000, running boards on the car roof.

Kadee running boards installed.

Next, car ladders, Yarmouth Model Works ladder stiles, #303, 8 rung 18 inch, with Tichy #1101, .010 diameter phosphor bronze wire (PBW) rungs and styrene Evergreen #111, .015 x .020 standoffs on backside for mounting were installed.

Photo etched ladders installed.

Off to the paint shop to airbrush roof and back to the work desk to brush paint the ladders with Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown 70.982.

Roof and running boards airbrushed to match car body.

Once paint was dry, work on the B end was next.  The following B end detail parts were installed 

  • Plano Apex metal brake step, #131-12 set 
  • Brake step brackets, kit
  • Brake housing, kit
  • Brake housing chain, Precision Scale Co. #48553, 34 links per inch
  • Brake shaft clevis to attach brake shaft to bell crank, Tichy Turnbuckle #8021
  • Brake shaft, Tichy #1102, .015” diameter PBW 
  • Retainer valve, Precision Scale, plastic #31796
  • Retainer line and brackets, Tichy #1100, .008” diameter PBW
  • Placard boards, kit
  • Grab iron sill brackets from scrap strip styrene

Work on B started.

After the above parts were installed, I installed the brake wheel, Kadee Miner #2032.   The brake wheel mounting hole was enlarged with #56 .0465 drill.  The install of grab irons followed.   The sill grab irons were bent from Tichy #1101, .010 diameter PBW.   The sill grab iron on the right side required making the brackets (not molded on) which was done with scrap strip styrene and sanded to match left side grab iron brackets.  The other end grab iron was done with the kit bracket grab iron installed followed by cutting off the handhold with a PBL nipper and installing a wire handhold bent from Tichy #1101, .010 diameter PBW. 

Additional work on B end done.


The work on the sides was next.   On the side the following details were installed and hand painted with Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown 70.982.   A excellent match for the InterMountain factory paint.

  • Bracket grab irons, Kadee #2250 
  • Sill steps, A-Line #29000
  • Sill step fasteners were made with MEK Goop (MEK with plastic melted in it). 
  • Placard boards, kit
  • Sill tabs with notched corners, cut corners and sanded to match prototype
  • Door handles, molded on carved off and bent wire, Tichy #1101, .010 PBW

Side upgrade done.

Back to the B end to make and add a corner uncoupling lever bracket, scrap strip styrene with an installed eye bolt I bent from Tichy #1101, .010 diameter PBW.  Again Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown 70.982 was used to brush paint the added uncoupling levers.

Uncoupling levers installed.

Uncoupling levers installed.

With the uncoupling levers installed, the car body work was finished.   Therefore, the underbody work was done.  Underbody work consisted of adding the brake levers, dirt collector, piping and brake rods to the prior installed brake components as follows:

  • Brake levers, kit with plastic piping cut off
  • Brake lever hangers, kit plastic grab irons
  • Dirt collector and pipe, kit
  • Piping from air reservoir to AB valve, Tichy # 1101, .010 diameter PBW
  • Pipe from brake cylinder to AB valve, Tichy #1106, .0125 diameter PBW
  • Brake rods, Tichy #1106, .0125 diameter PBW
  • Brake rod clevises to attach to brake levers, MEK Goop

Underbody upgrade ready for paint.

And, Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown #70.982 used to hand paint the installed parts and dry brush the trucks.

Underbody painted.

Upon review of the upgrade work I realized on the side lettering I had not changed the reweigh date.  So reweigh date removed with isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab, Future Floor Finish was applied with brush in reweigh area for gloss base for applying new reweigh date of “Cent 4-53” with K-4 decals.  When reweigh date was dry the car was moved to the paint shop where car body was airbrushed Vallejo Gloss Varnish 70.510.  And, when gloss varnish coat dry, airbrushed Model Master Acryl  Flat Clear #4636.  

Reweigh date changed.

CB&Q 34649 ready for weathering.

Chicago, Burlington And Quincy 34649 was set aside for later weathering with CB&Q 35503 when finished.  CB&Q 35503 was now built; however, with some component changes from CB&Q 34649.  The component changes made in the build of CB&Q 35503 are as follows:

  • roof, a resin casting made in M&N Shops with Red Caboose roof as master for mold

Resin car roof installed.

  • doors, 5/6/6 resin cast in M&N Shops with Tangent door as master for mold
  • Roof after sides taped off airbrushed Vallejo Surface Primer 70.601 prior to body color

Resin cast doors installed.

  • Car number changed on side and ends

Car number changed on sides.

Car number changed on ends.

  • Uncoupling lever bracket, Yarmouth Model Works #507

Uncoupling lever and bracket installed.

  • underbody parts changes included:
  • resin cast brake cylinder in M&N Shops with Tichy piston from Tichy AB set #3013 installed
  • Brake cylinder lever made from #8108 Evergreen strip styrene
  • Floating brake lever made from Evergreen #8106 strip styrene

Underbody ready for paint.

The remaining build components as the use of photo etched ladders did not change on CB&Q 35503.

CB&Q 35503 photo etched ladders installed.

After all detail parts painted, a gloss and flat coat applied, CB&Q 35503 was ready for weathering.   Both CB&Q 34649 and CB&Q 35503 were weathered with Pan Pastels.  On both cars only Paynes Grey Extra Dark 840.1 was applied using a makeup brush, micro applicator for areas between ladder rungs and and cotton swab for removing excess.

CB&Q 34649 weathered.

CB&Q 34649 weathered.

CB&Q 34649 weathered.

CB&Q 35503 weathered.

CB&Q 35503 weathered.

With weathering done, CB&Q 34649 and 35503 were ready for service on the Minneapolis & Northland Railroad Company, The Lakeland Route, “Serving today, Shaping tomorrow.”  A car card was made for each, the final step to put a car in service on the Minneapolis & Northland Railroad Company Railroad.

Car sitting at Bass Lake Jct. Team Track

Car sitting at Bass Lake Jct. Team Track

Car sitting at Bass Lake Jct. Team Track

Car sitting at Bass Lake Jct. Team Track

I want to say, “Thank You” to Jerry Hamsmith for permission to use photos from his Mainline Modeler articles and a “Thank You” to Nelson Moyer for providing his notes on the build of his CB&Q XM-32 freight cars.

Thank You for taking time to read my blog.  You can share a comment in the section below if you choose to do so.  Please sign your comment with your name if you choose to leave one.  All comments are reviewed and approved before they appear.  Please share the blog link with other model railroaders.

Lester Breuer


Monday, July 15, 2024

Randolph Commander Elevator. - a new industry

If you are the owner of an operating railroad as I am of the Minneapolis & Northland Railroad Company (M&N) you may have to take time away from increasing the freight car fleet and turn to other work required on the railroad.   This was the case this past month as the town of Randolph had its industry base growing.   A Commander elevator, the new industry to be built in Randolph, Minnesota, needed track installed to become part of the customer base being served by of the Minneapolis & Northland Railroad Company.  And, the Chicago Great Western (CGW) Interchange track would be expanded.

Randolph, Minnesota prior to Commander
(Click or tap on this or any image to enlarge)

To enable an area for the Commander Elevator and CGW Interchange to expand new benchwork was built.  As for other sections of the railroad, L-girder benchwork was constructed as easy to construct and goes together quickly.

L-Girder benchwork assembled and attached 
to prior benchwork.

Long and short L-girders connect to the legs and short L-girders are built to sit above the long L-girders to attach 1/2 inch plywood top with screws via the L-girder cap.  Another advantage of the short L-girders riding on the long L-girders is they can be moved at anytime.   Why would they have to be moved?  After tracks are  laid on benchwork top, the L-girder might be in the area a switch machine needs to be installed.

View of short L-Girders

After benchwork was completed and attached to existing benchwork, it was painted for finished look.   I like to use a grey-black latex paint.   I like a black color for if you study colors you find the eye does not like black and will move to another location - the scenery on the benchwork.  In addition, painted benchwork helps prevent lumber absorbing moisture during summers when the humidity is a factor.   Even with dehumidifiers controlling humidity it is best to be considered.

Benchwork painted.

Once the paint on the benchwork is dry, Homasote,  a cellulose-based fiber wall board, that was painted a brown earth color latex prior to install, is attached to the plywood with nails.   Nails that are angled when put in are used rather than glue to prevent sound transfer from ballasted track on Homasote to benchwork.  Benchwork fascia was now installed and painted to match a grey-black color of benchwork I use.  With the Homasote installed a track location center line is drawn on the Homasote and Midwest cork and track is installed.   The Midwest cork was installed with wire nails and the Walthers track is installed with Micro Engineering track spikes.

Painted Homasote attached to benchwork.

The CGW Interchange was than ballasted with a mix of white and black foundry sand and affixed with Elmer's white glue thinned with tap water.   The adhesive mixture of 1/3 white glue and 2/3  tap water with a few drops of dish washing soap added is prepared in an Elmer's white glue container which also acts as applicator.  The ballast prior to adding the thinned white glue for adhesion must be lightly sprayed with wet water, tap water with a few drops of dish washing soap added, or the ballast will bubble and not stay in place when the water thinned white glue is applied..

Ballast and tools used for application.

 And, since I do like doing scenery I could not resist adding some Woodland Scenics Blended Turf, Green Blend, T 49,  and SceneMaster Grass Tufts, 949-1101, along the Anchor Glass Plant wall.

Ballast to CGW track extension and scenery added.

With the Chicago Great Western Interchange increased in length and elevator track in place.   The elevator, a combination of two Walthers Cornerstone kits, Farmers Cooperative Rural Elevator, 933-3036, and Trackside Oil Dealer, 933-4059, assembled at my work desk with MEK could be located on the benchwork.  All roofs on main elevator and sheds were not and will not be glued to allow access to interior.  The office and scale cover portion is also not glued to allow removal later.  On the attached storage sheds, scale and office portion, a concrete foundation of .060 sheet styrene foundation was added to replace the wood floor supports in the kits.   The concrete foundation was common on elevators rather than wood floor supports in the Midwest, specifically on elevators I saw.

Elevator after assembly installed.

Elevator after assembly installed.

Another major change to the wood clapboard elevator and one storage shed was needed.  The wood clapboard needed to be replaced with corrugated aluminum sheathing as common on all elevators I saw in the Minnesota area I model.   I was going to use Campbell Scale Models aluminum corrugated sheathing; however, the three packages I had in stock would only provide a tiny portion of aluminum sheathing needed to cover the main elevator body and one storage shed.  A further search through building materials I had in stock produced three packages of  plastic sheathing I had purchased from Alpine Division Scale Models years before.

Plastic sheathing for elevator.

My calculations for the needed sheathing also showed the plastic sheathing was not enough sheathing.   Therefore, I decided I would make additional sheathing to match the plastic sheathing.  To make additional needed sheathing I used a section of the plastic sheathing as a master and placed heavy duty kitchen tin foil over a section of cut plastic siding .  A dry transfer application tool with the plastic end was run over the tin foil pressing it into each groove in the plastic sheathing to make embossed sheathing like the plastic one.  The  embossed  made sheathing  was used on the trackside back wall of elevator shed on the left and bottom two rows of sheathing  on the main elevator body.  A photo is included below to show the tools used to make the needed sheathing and tools used to apply the sheathing.

Tools used to make tin foil sheathing and 
to apply foil and plastic sheathing.

The plastic sheathing was cut into strips eight feet scale wide.   These strips were cut again into sections 50 inches scale wide making an individual aluminum sheathing sheet 50 inches wide and 8 feet in length matching prototype dimensions.   The plastic panels were applied with Testors Tube Cement spread across the back of each with a toothpick.  The sheets were overlapped at the edge of each when installed providing a viewable installed sheet on the elevator 48 inches wide as on prototype.  The Testors Tube Cement was used rather than MEK  as the on the first two siding sheets installed the MEK caused the sheets to turn black in sections.  A reaction I did not want.

Testors Tube Cement

Plastic sheathing installed on two areas. 
Note black areas in plastic siding on shed.

Plastic sheathing installed on two areas. 

The corrugated sheathing panels made using the heavy duty kitchen tin foil were installed with 3M, 465, 3/4 inch high adhesive transfer tape.

Tin foil made sheathing installed  with transfer tape.
Transfer tape covering not yet removed in upper
right corner.

Sheathing application took what seemed an eternity; however, I kept forcing myself to remember  “Model Railroad is Fun” until the tedious work of aluminum sheathing install was finished.  Once finished the sheathing was hand painted Model Master Aluminum, 1781, the white styrene concrete foundations Polly Scale Concrete, F414317, the windows and doors Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown, 70.982.  The steel roofs were not painted; however, they were weathered lightly with Pan Pastels, Burnt Sienna Shade, 740.3.

Elevator sheathing, doors and windows painted.

In addition, the track to the elevator was ballasted and scenery added.  With elevator set in place a pencil used to draw a footprint line around it.  The elevator was removed to add the landscaping surrounding the elevator complex.  The landscaping was done with Woodland Scenics Blended Turf , Green Blend, T49, for grass and sifted common sand for roads.   In addition, the roads had some dirt obtained from the home plate area of the local baseball field applied to them with a tea strainer. All scenery materials were glued in place as the tack ballast with water thinned white glue mixture of  1/3 glue and 2/3 tap water with a few drops of liquid dish washing soap added made in a Elmer's glue container.  The Woodland Scenics grass is a temporary base that looks good until static grass is applied over it.  

Scenery materials and tools.

The Randolph Elevator while waiting for signs and other details if needed is ready for rail service provided by the Minneapolis & Northland Railroad Company.  A new customer is always welcomed.

Randolph Commander Elevator ready for rail service.


Randolph Commander Elevator ready for rail service.

Randolph Commander Elevator ready for rail service.

I want to say, “Thank You” to Mike Schmitzer  for providing steel and aluminum roof sheet sizes.  A “Thank You” to Dave Nelson for suggesting the use of transfer tape to attach plastic siding.  A “Thank You “ to Ron Christensen for sharing his presentation on modeling steel and aluminum roofing and siding.

Thank You for taking time to read my blog.  You can share a comment in the section below if you choose to do so.  Please sign your comment with your name if you choose to leave one.  All comments are reviewed and approved before they appear.  Please share the blog link with other model railroaders.

Lester Breuer
